Emma’s Ball 2018: 10th Anniversary

Thank you so much for attending our ball this year, we hope that you had a lovely evening and that we will see you again next year.

We raised almost £6000 which as Mark mentioned in his speech will help to keep the flat going for another year. 

Lynn and Mark had a positive meeting with the hospital this week which confirmed that having the flat is an absolute god send  for those families and patients attending the Marsden from miles away.

Please can we ask that if you haven’t yet paid for any auction prizes that you successfully bid for, that they are paid by 15th December.

  • Bank details are Sort Code 40-27-07 
  • Account Emma’s Bubble Trust 71563971
  • Ref: Surname and what you bid for (e.g. Brandon- football)

Lastly a big thank you to Reuben for taking the very brave step of shaving his hair off. Not only did we benefit from you generous donations but The Princess Trust will also be able to help a cancer patient by using the hair to make a wig.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Always remember Every Moment Matters Always

Sponsored Silence raises £300

Well done to Tom Welford for raising £300 in a sponsored silence.

Amazingly, he managed to keep quiet for a whole 12 hours, it was bliss!!

Nursery cake sale raises £120

Well done to Sophie Welford for raising £120 from a cake sale at her Nursery.

The children certainly enjoyed eating them!

Notre Dame’s Charity of the Year

We were delighted to have been part of Notre Dame’s Charity of the Year, and that the amount raised from Silent Discos, cake sales etc had raised a phenomenal amount, which we were truly blown away by. 6th formers presented the cheque for over £3.000 in there assembly which we had been lucky enough to be invited to. Much thanks to the Chaplain Mrs Hopkins for arranging us to be present. Also congratulate the charities they have decided to go with this year. They loved our strapline Every Moment Matters Always-and have taken it very much on board that life is very precious.

Laura’s Disney 10k Challenge

Laura’s Disney 10k Challenge

Laura is running her first ever 10k on the 22 September !!

She’s going to do the run at Disneyland, as she loves Disney so much and is raising money for Emma’s Bubble Trust, so please show your support and make a donation however large or small via the link below:

Laura’s 10k donate here

Ashtead Rotary Village Day 2018

Thank you to all those who supported our soft toy tombola, at Ashtead Rotary Village Day yesterday.

It was a beautiful day and someone even attended in an Emma’s Bubble Trust pink car!

A particular thank you must go to Simon Caird, a local estate agent, who made a generous donation on the day.

Walton on the Hill May Pageant


A huge thank you to everyone who donated a soft toy for our stall and to everyone who supported us on the day.

A great time was had by all and we even had a celebratory drink for Harry and Meghan too

Charity quilt

A huge thank you to Sandra Hagger and Susan Burton who have supported our charity over the years. They very kindly made this beautiful quilt to commemorate this year being our 10th anniversary of the charity being founded.

Raffle tickets were sold and the lucky winner was Sandra’s boss! We had lots of disappointed ticket holders but thanks to the girls we raised much needed funds. We really do appreciate Sandra and Susan’s wonderful talent and I’m sure the winner will enjoy all their hard work.

Emma’s Ball 2017

Well what a night we had on Saturday 9th December 2017 at Woodlands Park Hotel for Emma’s Ball! 

This year’s Ball was one of our biggest yet with 139 guests attending the event to raise money for our cause. Guests arrived for reception drinks at 6.30pm and were seated for dinner at 7pm, with food choices having already been made. As usual our Master of Ceremony David took charge of the room, encouraging people to get involved with the Table Auction, Raffle and most importantly the Auction.

We were very lucky to have been presented with many auction prizes this year and a HUGE thank you must go out to everyone that kindly donated…as through a combination of all of our fundraising efforts we managed to raise just shy of £9000!

To put this in perspective this amount of money will allow us to continue to maintain our flat that we purchased 2 years ago that assists teenagers that are receiving treatment at The Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton. This amount is extra special as it means that we are able to continue this funding for the next 7 months, so a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that bid on auction prizes, took part in the raffles and most importantly donated!

If you’re looking for pictures from the night, please head over and like our Facebook page by clicking the link here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/EmmasBubbleTrust/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10156039679214225

Healix Bake Sale raises £198.22

So many thanks to the team at Healix Group in Esher who ran a bake sale for us and raised an amazing £198.22!

Here’s a note from Nicola Gill:

We had a great day selling cakes in our office in aid of Emma’s Bubble Trust. We loaded our trolley up with goodies for the 11am mid morning break, which went down very well with the staff, especially Adam D’s coffee cake which sold out in under an hour! We then made our rounds again at 3pm so that everyone could have an afternoon pick me up. The leftovers (and there wasn’t much left!) were left out for the weekend staff. A big thank you to all of our bakers who created some delicious goodies! A very successful bake sale!