Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

EBT Ball 2015It’s been another fantastic year for all of us at Emma’s Bubble Trust. I would like to thank you for support and for making Emma’s Ball such a fantastic night. I hope that many of you enjoyed the evening, we certainly did and we managed to raised £4130, which is amazing as it allows us to cover the costs of the flat in Sutton for about 6 months!
At Emma’s Ball there’s a few people that we would like to thank. Firstly all of Emma’s Army and the Events Committee for help on the day of the ball and throughout the year. Without your dedication and hard work, we wouldn’t be able to be as successful as we are. Secondly a massive thanks to David Morgan, our amazing Master of Ceremonies, who comes out of retirement for us every year to host us. The job that you do is superb and really ensures that everyone has a fantastic time! Thirdly many thanks to the team at PartyTime Entertainment Limited who provided a superb night of entertainment and even auctioned off their services at the end of the night, which raised us another £460, which all comes straight to us!
I have included a link to the photographer in case you would like to order any photos. I know that a lot of people have asked for the link as they had intended to buy their photos but time ran out! The evening seemed to finish too soon!
Finally on behalf of everyone involved with EBT and anyone that we haven’t thanked here, we would like to say thank you and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.
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