Buy your tickets now
In order to pay for the Ball, please send £69 per ticket to the following bank account:
- Emma’s Bubble Trust- HSBC
- Sort Code: 40-27-07
- Account no: 71563971
- Please include the a reference of First Initial, First 5 Letters of Surname and 17 at the end (e.g. ALYNCH17 or LCHAMB17).
Please also email joy.lynch@emmasbubbletrust.org and lynn.brandon@emmasbubbletrust.org with the name of your guests (if you’ve more than 1 ticket) and all of your food choices:
- Woodlands prawn cocktail (GF, DF, NF)
- Tomato tart with tapenade and tomato gel (V, EF, NF)
- Corn fed chicken breast with creamed potato, spinach and oyster mushroom cream sauce (GF, EF, NF)
- Slow braised shoulder of lamb with boulangère, potatoes, celeriac and purple sprouting broccoli and rosemary sauce (GF, EF, NF)
- Butternut squash tagliatelle, pine nuts and spinach (V)
- Lemon tart with raspberry coulis and lemon sorbet (V)
- Fruit salad and sorbet (DF, V)